Imagine in a perfect world everyone valued one another. There was true brotherhood. Kindness, helpful, supportive of one another. No one would ever think of needing a gun, let alone the thought of shooting someone. Such a world would have no use for weapons. To use against who? Why? There wouldn’t be the brain frustrations and short circuiting this society has. Only a vision like Santa: All is peaceful. Our lives are good and safe, We give. We love and we grow up. We are 8 – 10 yrs. old. and truth becomes apparent. We are let down, and we start to doubt. And reality seeps into our lives at our reluctance. When we are young, we have a few years of peace and fantasy. We think the world is capable of brotherhood, caring, and love. Why are we implanted with this vision all to have it tore down, simply by turning on TV, seeing deadly reports, Breeding more mistrust?

Today’s kids have even less a window of fantasy to peer through. By the time they are 5 its gun and death exposure full force. These kids will be assimilated without the adage of 5 more developmental years. 10 year olds handle situations differently than 5 year olds will. The assimilated 5-year-old is more apt to grow up in a defensive hateful world full of weapons easier than a 10-year-old. Ask a 10-year-old something and they have opinions. Ask a 5-year-old something and they could be swayed to think any way.

Which brings us to the meat.

No one is advocating taking guns away from citizens. No one is taking on the 2nd amendment. Even though some read it in various ways, I read it as: We can have a well armed militia; LOCAL POLICE DEPT.(as we know them.(they didn’t when 2nd amend. was written)) In each local, (town). Our right is to care and protect our local (town) in total agreement with the local Militia(police dept.)And we do. The intention is clear We the people individually have the right to personally bear arms ALSO, in collaboration with the local militia in the event of attack against our American rights from terrorist or the government itself. (So far so good) (When that was written remember the British Gov. was attacking our rights). Citizens and Militia in unison Protect! What a great concept. Still! around 200 years later, No American Gov. has attacked its own people.

Until now according to Some racially based, fake threats, by Minority extreme right-wing groups.: Our gov. is out to get us and take away our rights. Hence we need to arm up even more. Arm up the young. Prepare to die for your gun rights that aren’t in danger. Forget about Santa. Heres your gun! You’ll need it against this particular Government, the 1st in history, to break the trend, and attack you.

SAD, Pathetic,Lunacy

And this is all to satisfy the Ego of the gun Lobbyists, who can’t stand the fact that this hasn’t ever happened in our history, and it probably wont in their life times. Their Egos can’t stand it, They now, are more important than past or future generations hence: They have generated  all this hatred. All for What? To sell more weapons of death and destruction. Why? Safety? Defence? From who? Or what? This is  about almighty PROFIT people.  And the only industry who has unregulated PROFIT. GUNS!.. They don’t care if you die, or your kids. As long as they can sell in an unregulated environment.

PROPOSAL    From 90% of Americans

*Background check in every state, every gun purchase.

*National Data base established

*So called “Gun Shows” will cease any weapon sales. Weapon purchases shall be at registered weapon outlets only.

*Upon purchasing a weapon of your choice , That individual weapon shall be Registered, licensed, and insured, to purchaser,    whom completed BG check successfully.

*Registration, licensing, and Insuring Fees will be annual.

CONGRATULATIONS! You now own a weapon as you would a Car, House, and many other items you buy and register to a database for one reason or another. Whats the problem with this, if you love weapons, and if you don’t have any ill intentions?

THE FUTURE read on

Ever evolving self-defence weapons, the newest weapons, will be the next,  new generation leaving current weapons on the collectors shelves converted to antiques. making them all the more valuable to the true collectors. And true collectors will cherish their guns even more.

All new guns will Have Electronic Finger-Print triggering technology. All Ammo purchased will be tagged digitally to the weapon. So now when the “Mentally Ill” get your gun by accident, they can’t shoot it or hurt anybody. Only one signature per gun. Your child can’t fire it either if they get their hands on it. Less tragedy. Murder rates and accidents will drop significantly. Bad guys that try to alter guns electronic system will do nothing more than leave a trail, both from the gun and the ID’d ammo, right back to the legal owner. Bad guys wont be getting guns anymore, because good(bad)guys, wont want to risk to sell Illegally to bad(bad) guys. This gangs and guns stuff will dry up! Murder rates will drop!

The down side? The cost. You want a gun its gonna cost you. Example: a typical $250.00 gun now will run around $1k. The price of ammo should easily double. Plus the cost of registration, license, and insurance. You gotta really want to have this gun. But for the true gun lovers. If you want the latest in technology and digital slickness for all of your gun-loving activities, and self-protection. Why wouldn’t you want the newest, most modern, hippest weapons ever made possible to citizens? Why would you be against Registration, license, and insurance anymore than you would be for your car or refrigerator, if you have no rotten or illegal dastardly plan?

We need that National Data-Base Now. It’s for our safety. If you can have guns, why would you not want to have them safely? Good logical, fair-minded, gun owning persons would not and are not, against safety for all.

Illogical minds with a hidden agenda of misery and profit, seem to be the ones against gun regulation and safety. As it truly is not the 90% law-abiding citizens fighting against gun evolution and safety for all.

Have weapons if you want. Lets promote having them safely, and save innocent lives from accidents. How could anyone be against that?

HealthCare Mindset for the 21st century

     Imagine a world where profit from human sickness, ailments, and suffering, was unheard of. A world where your employer didn’t have a clue about your health, (other than he knows you show up everyday). A world where you or your employer didn’t have to pay absorbent fees to health insurance companies every month. A world where tax rates could be reduced by getting rid of  the health insurance industry. A world where medical minds make decisions, and not insurance providers.  A world that is oblivious to political pressures and focuses solely on medical agenda, not profit. A world where EVERYONE gets fixed without  profit. Can we adopt this  mindset?

Welcome to the Twilight Zone. (Or wait!)

     Lets explore this strange new mindset a little and see if there might be something too logical here for it to possibly be implemented.

     My logic says that a hundred years from now people will read in history, about how people back in the 20th century got so abused and taken advantage of when it came to healthcare. Profit was made because someone broke an arm, or had the flu, or got diabetes, or had to have a lung transplant. Or how big profit was made from disease like cancer. And the insurance companies swooped in with the medical industry to make a killing in profits, and bankrupt people along the way. They’ll see it was(is) the no. 1 reason for the flood of bankruptcies from that(this) era. What a poor mismanaged mess it was(is), all in the name of profit. What a sad unfair picture  it was(is). So what happened that changed(could) the crisis?

     A new Mindset was adopted. Simply: “WE  THE PEOPLE have evolved, here in the USA to the most powerful, richest,nation on the planet.  And we as citizens, can well afford and demand, the “healthiest” environment on the planet. Therefore it will be proclaimed: Healthcare will cease to be a profitable entity in our society. All humans are entitled, and should look forward to being healthy. No one isn’t valued. Rich or poor, Right or Left, ALL races, Hence: WE THE PEOPLE want all citizens healthy, and WE THE PEOPLE agree to fund our will, because we can”.

     Hold on. I can hear right-wing pundits and critics, with their  prescribed lines of rejection and denial. Just wait though! There is something in this for you, and I think even right wingers will greet and welcome the new Mindset.

     Lets start with the employer. This person simply had a concept or a vision and made it come true. Now they have a business because they want to make a profit. But they find out they have to get involved personally with their employees health. Pay a premium for their healthcare, hire a secretary to manage employee healthcare issues. And a number of issues that business owners shouldnt have to deal with, when after all,  all they started out, or wanted to do, was make a product, sell it, make a profit, and have a life. LETS TAKE THE COST OF HEALTHCARE OFF THE BACKS OF BUSINESS. (ALL)

     Now if we take the cost of healthcare off the backs of employers, that gives them 8-10% savings. That would be substantial monies for business to grow itself, and ween away from healthcare insurance  cost addiction and/or big government. If a business grows it has to hire new employees. And to sweeten that cake more, for every employee hired, a tax break can be procured. So far this plan is doing nothing but give incentive  to employers to grow their business, and get further tax cuts. Must sound good to all people, especially Republicans. One would assume, to get those “almighty” tax breaks, business everywhere, and of all sorts, will be on hiring frenzies. Long term (1-2yrs), this plan will eliminate unemployment. After that we will welcome Hispanic workers, and willingly want to pay them legal rates, and fair benefits. If business grows there’s more money for everyone. This is real “Trickle Down” economics. And this is a way to do that. More money means more spending means more/better economy.

     PEOPLE these problems are solved and gone, if we simply get the healthcare insurance companies off our backs. They are the enemy sucking up all the money, like massive mosquitos. Make a pie chart Republicans. The whole pie is all the money. Now take away the part the healthcare insurance companies get. And what do you have left? Yeah, about 65-70%. Why do you vote to protect this? Your daddy or grandpa would not have voted for this rip-off. They would promote you vote for LOGIC! Not lobbyist.

     Then how we gonna pay for this? WE are going to raise taxes on individuals and corporations. EVERYBODY pays.  And we are not going to lie about it. AND, you/we are going to see finally something for your money(taxes).

     Medicare, A program already in place, will be expanded to cover all citizens. Go to your same doctor, hospital, clinic. It all stays the same except, instead of purchased insurance, you will simply present an ID or SSN number. the billing part is between the doctor and medicare. No involvement with you,  your employer, and your insurance company.In a no profit system there is no need for the flood of paperwork, or involvement. And that bionic hip that cost $400 wholesale, and brings in 12k will cease. After the system is implemented, and profit ceases, huge savings will occur with OUR tax money.

      Doctors will still make the same pay they make now. And should welcome a system that they patrol themselves. As the medical industry will be run by medical graduates, and not college drop-outs who landed a job at an insurance company.(like it is now) This whole thing is about billing and paperwork. Why should you need to get involved? It’s not your Problem! Or your employers.  I have run this plan by many many people. Everyone loves the concept. Both political parties should agree to snap at this opportunity. And take credit for a win-win situation.

     Lets Review!

     1. Eliminate the concept of ‘Profit from Ailment’.-  Need for HealthCare Insurance ceases

     2. Take the cost of healthcare and related costs off the backs of employers. Let employers keep more of the money they devise.

     3. Give employers tax break for every new full-time employee.

     4. No Profit System solves unemployment within 2 years.

     5. Easy implementation. Expanding existing Medicare program to easily cover all.

     6. Create substantial savings  by eliminating profit margins.

     7. Doctors and medical persons run the No Profit System. Not insurance companies.

     The only party left out here is the Health Insurance Employees. As these companies are sure to reduce workforces drasticly, and some even folding. As hiring in all areas of the workforce commences due to the No Profit System, there should be no more inconveniences, (if not far less) than what we have had to witness the last few years regarding job displacement.

      Some want to call it socialized medicine. So be it. I call it: NO PROFIT SYSTEM. Lets do what we do, and are known for doing; Being the best in the world at whatever we endeavor to be. Lets take the no profit system, and make it the best healthcare system, with the best doctors, hospitals, equipment, and technology in the world. Lets show the world we are setting the pace and not lagging because of dark profit-laden outdated ways of the old Mindset. Lets upgrade to a new Mindset.

Healthcare Mindset for the 21st Century.